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    Dr. Charles Buttaci- A GEM IN HIS FIELD

    I first went to Dr. Buttaci, handsome young man about 15 years ago for a slip disc in my back, I was scared to death, being a person in long term recovery, I did not want to be on a pain narcotic, he was so supportive and also don't like giving out Narcotics, this made him my kind of Dr. He told me about the cortisone injections again scared and didn't want anything in my back due to the many horrible stories about you can get paralyze if someone hits the wrong item in your back. I went home and though about it, the pain became so great, I let Dr, Buttaci give me the injection in my back, fast forward, here I am back 15 years later for injection in my hip. (So glad he still around) I felt confident and assuring because of my last experience and his kind manner, and the way he explain my conditions and options to my understanding . I would recommend him to anyone. Dr. Buttaci I am still trying to find out how I got this old hip as young as I am, lol :) Thank You.