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Common Basketball Injuries

Whether you’re playing a pick-up game at the park or playing competitively, basketball is a contact sport that results in injuries. Here are a few injuries that occur in basketball due to overworking muscles, tendons and ligaments or from traumatic injury during a single event.

Hamstring Strain

Sprinting and jumping in basketball result in hamstring strains. The hamstring is a group of muscles in the back of the upper leg. Treatment for hamstring strains include resting the leg, icing the leg, anti-inflammatory painkillers and compressing the leg.

Shin Splints

Shin splints are described as pain in the lower leg. The pain is often just caused by overuse and doesn’t require serious treatment. To treat shin splints, follow the RICE principles (Rest, Ice, Compression and Elevation), stretch before exercising and do low resistance strengthening exercises for the lower leg.

Wrist Sprain

Wrist sprains occur when ligaments in the wrist get overstretched. They can range from Grade 1 (least severe) to Grade 3 (most severe). For mild to severe cases, splinting or bracing might be necessary.

Patellar Tendonitis

Patellar Tendonitis, or Jumper’s Knee, is caused by overworking the quadriceps or thigh muscles. Treatment for Jumper’s Knee is broken down to three phases. During Phase I, the patient should rest the knee, which can last anywhere from three days to three weeks. Phase II includes stretching and strengthening exercises that focus on the quadriceps and hamstrings. The final phase, phase III includes gradually working back into activities that caused the issue.

ACL Tear

The ACL tear, which is when the ligament tears from either the end of the femur or from the top of the tibia, most commonly occurs in basketball when pivoting or landing from a rebound. Treating an ACL tear usually involves surgery. See a physician immediately if you believe you tore your ACL.

Ankle Sprain

An ankle sprain is when the ligaments of your ankle are torn due to physical activity or trauma. When injury occurs, it is frequently due to a rolling of the foot, where the ankle is put out of place or has too much weight put on it. Treatment for ankle sprains is usually non-surgical, but it depends on the severity of the Sprain.

MCL Sprain

MCL stands for Medial Collateral Ligament. This is a tear of the ligaments on the inside of the knee. This is something that can affect basketball players very easily, due to the strain on the knees caused by running and jumping. Wearing a knee brace and exercise routines can help prevent these.

Meniscus Tears

Another common issue that can damage the knee is a Meniscus tear. Commonly these occur from twists in the knee, from a misstep or a direct impact. Frequently, there is an audible noise that can be heard when a meniscus is torn. You may have a meniscus tear if your knee hurts, locks or pops when you move.

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